If you’re the type of person who is continually looking for ways to learn, grow, and improve, it’s time to sign up for a one of our workshops. Meditation workshops are a great way to deepen and expand your practice.
Meditation course
Be Here Now
Exploring Thoughts And Trancending Stress
Start : 29 Sept I 4 x Sundays I @ 15.00 - 17.30
INFO and more dates 2 Hour workshop
Empty what is full. Fill what is empty.
19 October I Saturday I @ 9.00 - 11.00
info and more dates tHREE DAY RETREAT
Three Days of Rejuvination and Transformation.
COMING SOON!monthly theme
master class
Mindful Living - Bringing Meditation into Everyday Life
11 October I Friday I @ 18.00 - 20.00